About Us
Personal Harmony helps you develop harmony in all aspects of your life by measuring, communicating, strengthening and aligning your values. Personal Harmony has evolved from extensive international work with individuals, couples and groups. Our values foundation derives from research into the spiritual values that underpinned the culture of Ancient Egypt which was one of the most progressive times in the history of earth. Personal Harmony reflects the values in existence at this time.

Pearl Rogers - Pearl works extensively, including internationally, as a Spiritual Counsellor, Psychotherapist and a Facilitator of spiritual development conferences, classes, courses of study and workshops. Pearl has accumulated extensive experience from over 26 years in addressing people’s spiritual, mental and emotional needs and working with individuals and groups. Pearl has worked with and taught a strong values foundation throughout her work and with her husband Ian, has created multi-faceted diagnostic tools for measuring non-sectarian spiritual and personal values. Her work gives people an in-depth understanding of themselves that clarifies what action is required to improve their life. She assists her clients to identify what they need in their life in order to grow and be fulfilled.

Ian Rogers - Director. Ian has worked in senior management, in government and in the private sector to overcome the disconnect people experience between work and personal values. He has worked with individuals, groups and organisations around the world providing guidance on personal and business issues. He and his wife Pearl have created multi-faceted diagnostic tools for measuring non-sectarian spiritual and personal values. He trains and coaches individuals, groups and organisations to strengthen and align their values to experience the highest level of harmony possible within themselves and with their environment. This lays the foundation for greater personal and professional achievement. Ian facilitates spiritual development conferences, classes, courses of study and workshops internationally.
Fleur Healey - Director. B.Bus, MBIS. Fleur's work includes counselling, training and facilitating spiritual development through values work. She works individually and in groups, to foster a greater prioritization of positive values. She helps people understand the impact of the importance and priority they currently place on their values, and to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their potential through the values they hold and live by. Also, to consistently apply positive personal and non-sectarian spiritual values as building blocks for real sustainable change and growth. She is a former Lecturer and Subject Leader at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels at Monash (Caulfield and Berwick Campuses) and RMIT City Campus.